Plant Sciences Building 6th Floor Reverse Osmosis System

College Park, MD

BKM provided MEP design services for University of Maryland, College Park, within their Plant Science Building to provide a new dedicated reverse osmosis (RO) system for the sixth floor laboratories.

The project included temporary provisions to maintain the existing building RO system, while a new dedicated RO system with new pigmented polypropylene piping could be installed to provide high quality water to 14,500 square feet of the sixth floor lab spaces. The new RO distribution system included connections to 23 new RO sink drops, glasswashers and two environmental chambers. The system also included a dedicated deionized water polisher with outlet, for dedicated 18 megohm water uses. Piping was routed through existing chases, ceilings and lab casework and limited to a maximum of 6” dead legs at each equipment or faucet, to provide a loop configuration. The project also included structural analysis of the existing building slab in preparation for the new RO generation and storage equipment including a 350 gallon conical storage tank. Electrical services were provided to include new electrical circuits and disconnects for the new equipment.