Korey Rubeling Celebrates the Transition to SMPS MD President

BKM’s Business Development Manager, Korey Rubeling, celebrated the transition into his role as SMPS MD Chapter President for the 2017-2018 year at last night’s 35th Anniversary Celebration.

BKM Welcomes Summer Intern Jacob Raico

BKM Welcomes Summer Intern Jacob Raico.

Summer Interns’ Farewell Gathering

BKM wishes its five summer interns ‘thank you and farewell’ as they head back to school.

BKM Welcomes Summer Intern Luke Puller

Luke Puller joins BKM as a summer intern assisting in our Mechanical Department.

Happy Retirement to Barb Chalk

We wish Barb Chalk a happy retirement after serving BKM for 11 years.

Past and Present Leadership join for Lunch Reunion

BKM’s current and former leadership reunited for lunch at The Valley Inn.

In the News: New affordable apartments destined for west side

The $22.3 million Mulberry at Park Apartments, developed by Enterprise Homes and managed by Habitat America, complements the market-rate units that have opened in the area and helps address a major need.

BKM’s Jessica Chery-Hise volunteers in Speed Mentoring Night at Loyola University MD

Jessica Chery-Hise, LC, LEED AP BD+C, participated as a mentor in Loyola University MD’s Speed Mentoring Night sponsored by Baltimore’s IEEE Women in Engineering and the Society of Women Engineers.

BKM’s Andy Endres Presents his Career in STEM at Woodbridge Elementary School

Andy Endres presented engineering as a career option to fifth grade students in Woodbridge Elementary School’s STEM program.

BKM Introduces New Hire, Jeremiah Swanger

BKM welcomes new full-time hire, Jeremiah Swanger, to its team as an electrical designer.