DA Tank Replacement & Feedwater System Upgrades

Aberdeen, MD

BKM provided Prime MEP services to complete a study and design to replace an existing deaerator tank and feedwater system within the campus steam plant for the Aberdeen Proving Grounds – Edgewood campus.

The design included architectural and structural sub-consultants to allow for a portion of the roof to be temporarily be removed for demolition and installation of new equipment. The existing 4000 gallon deaerator tank and 4000 gallon surge tank were replaced and installed on their existing support structure due to pre-mature failure of the tanks along with the installation of a new 1200 gallon condensate surge tank to support the campus’ 330 PSIG high pressure steam boilers and combined heat and power plant. Along with the installation of new tanks, a new pre-heat heat exchanger, 1/3 & 2/3 steam pressure reducing stations and make-up water filtration were installed to improve the overall operation, water quality and efficiency of the boiler feedwater system. The electrical scope included providing new electrical connections to condensate transfer pumps, a make-up water booster pump and a new deaerator control panel.